Question: 1 / 50

How many and what size nails are required between a rafter and a top plate in a house?





The requirement for the number and size of nails used to connect rafters to the top plate is based on building codes and best practices for structural integrity. In most cases, building codes dictate that a rafter should be secured to the top plate using three nails. The typical size for these nails is 10d (10-penny), which provides sufficient holding power while also facilitating easier installation and adequate penetration into both the rafter and the top plate. Using three 10d nails helps ensure that the connection is robust enough to withstand various stresses such as wind uplift and the load of the roofing materials. This connection detail is crucial for maintaining the overall structural stability of the roof framing system in residential construction. Alternative options such as two or three nails of larger sizes like 12d would not align with common building practices, where the use of 10d nails has been widely accepted for this specific application.


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